If your company is interested in us being your supplier, please contact us.
Frutas Alex y Soler is endorsed by years of experience serving all kinds of groups.
We offer a quality, personalised service to the hotel trade, restaurants and catering, communities and supplying in ports

Our young, qualified team, with vocation and effort, lead us to offer an unbeatable service, adapted to our clients’ needs, qualities and timetables, respecting all the health and safety measures.
We are delighted to be able to offer our services and to give a fast response to any need or emergency that might arise.
Our installations
Very close to you

Thanks to our young, dynamic, highly qualified team, with a vocation for service and effort, we offer an unbeatable service, adapted to our clients’ needs and timetables, respecting the health and safefy measures that our consumers demand.
We are delighted to be able to offer our services and to give a fast response to any need or emergency that might arise.
Visit us at:
MercaBilbao 510-512
946 40 40 60