White asparagus has been linked to the Mediterranean region since Roman times, when they introduced this food to the peninsula. Today, it is still a widespread crop, particularly in countries with mild weather conditions, such as Italy, France or Germany, although in Spain it is still holds a very important place.

Northern Spain has always had large amounts of white asparagus, specifically in the regions of the Euskadi and Navarra, where the Basque Country is characterised as being the largest producer in Europe of this type of vegetable and Navarra is known for growing some of the most popular, and best quality asparagus varieties in the world. Asparagus from Navarra is one of the most prestigious varieties, due to the fact that its location makes it into a unique crop with perfect conditions and an exhaustive quality control. “We monitor the production, analysing samples, but pay most attention to its traceability: that it comes from a registered plot of land; that the preparation techniques are the correct ones and that the end product is as it should be” (Juanena).

Asparagus is one of our country’s star products and at Alex & Soler we not only seek to respond to the demand for it, but we also attempt to provide professionals with top quality asaparagus, meeting all the quality standards and that comes from areas around our installations, therefore supporting the “Km0” movement.